Thursday 22 January 2009

Offside Online


They're going to make the same mistake the record industry did. Don't fight it; embrace it. As I commented here back in November, if they offered reasonably priced, live streaming Premiership matches with decent bandwidth, picture quality and commentary, the thousands - nay, millions - of fans who cannot get to a game or see it on TV would pay for it. More money in the FA coffers, not less.



  1. Yep. But they'll 'crack down on the pirates' without realising the opportunity they're missing. Who will win?

    But then, it's the FA and Sky. What do you expect?

  2. Surely the point is that they can never beat the pirates. Sure, they might put a few people off trying with some well-placed cross-media sabre-rattling but ultimately they will be dwarfed by the sheer scale of the internet, as the record industry has been.

