Tuesday 7 April 2009

Feeling Goody

I wouldn't normally give the gutter red-tops the oxygen of publicity but the front page of yesterday's Sun was an absolute master-class in double standards:

More specifically, this bit:

I guess by the standards of The Sun, only 12 pages is restrained and respectful. Peace indeed.


  1. ...and the spelling mistake in 'grand-daughter'. D'oh, etc.

  2. Great post.;D Have a great day.

  3. @Clair: I know - for a moment I was racking my brains to remember when the hell Jade had become a grandmother.

    @Summer: Thanks! I will! At least I will if idiotic click-farmers like you would stop leaving inane comments here. I am not going to visit your blog and I am not going to click on the clearly paid-for advertorial posts it contains. Piss off, Jules Mariano.
