Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Raisin The Bar

Without further ado, here is the result of the 2006/7 Christmas Cake-Off.

The two finalists (Rowan & Antonia) were judged in four distinct categories:
  1. Moisticity (how crumbly or otherwise was the cake?)
  2. Booziness (was the alcohol content detectable?)
  3. Marzipanity (what was the complexity of the almond layer?)
  4. Cheddarism (how well did the item work with cheese?)
The judges were unanimous in their praise for Antonia's moist entry and she comfortably won the first round. She also scored highly in the second category, with a number of larger fruit items surprising the judges with their alcohol content. However, it became apparent that Rowan's marzipan was made from scratch and this was evident in its subtle almond overtones; round three to her. Finally, the cakes were sampled alongside a thick wedge of extra-mature cheddar and, after some animated debate, this round was awarded to Rowan as well.

And so the inaugural Christmas Cake-Off has ended in an honourable DRAW, with 'highly-commended' rosettes winging their way to Acomb and Stockwell respectively. Many thanks to both participants for their efforts and they can rest reassured that all Tupperware will be returned very soon. The judges will now be on a diet until around September, when they might start thinking about Cake-Off II: The Revenge...


  1. The judging might have seemed like a peice of cake.

    Ice try, but it's ended in a draw you pudding!

    It all seems a bit rum, old fruit, afters all.

  2. Are you allowed to say moist entry before the 9pm watershed?

  3. That was, of course, just for you dear.

    Bravo :)
